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At East Coast Radio we are passionate about saving this iconic species and encourage all our listeners to get involved and do their part in preserving one of Africa’s big five. Why not do your part to save this beautiful animal by signing up for a Rhinofax2email account?


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 South Africa is home to 83% of Africa’s rhinos and 73% of all wild rhinos worldwide, placing us at the vanguard of conserving this beautiful animal. Sadly, rhino poaching is reaching crisis levels, with deaths from poaching set to overtake births as soon as 2016-2018, with the species expected to go extinct soon after.

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 Rhinos were once plentiful throughout Africa and Asia with an approximated worldwide population of 500 000 as recently as the early 1900’s. However, despite intensive conservation efforts, poaching of this unique species has been on the increase, with a particular escalation experienced since 2008.

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 The Western black rhino was declared extinct by the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) in 2011, with the primary cause identified as poaching. Now, all five remaining rhino species are on the organisation’s Red List of threatened species, with three of them listed as critically endangered.

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